Oh, hey! It’s me, Jen.
Jen Holz has been a devoted yogi since the early 2000's, a teacher for more than a decade, and a Women's Health + Wellness Coach since 2013. In the studio, Jen is known for her creative sequencing and fun, light hearted flow classes. Jen is committed to sharing the gift of wellness through mindfulness, soul-full flows, wellness coaching, food (always food) and love. She is a wife and the mother to three wild monkeys. Most days you can find her in a top knot and yoga pants, squeezing in a few handstands between classes and chasing after three muddy boys. She embodies what it means to live an authentic life and will inspire you to do the same.
There are a few things you should know about me…
1. I have lived in California for approximately 1/3 of my life but I’m still a cheesehead at heart. Born and bred in Wisconsin, if you really get me talking you’ll hear the accent come out. Ufda!
2. I come from a family of all girls but I was blessed as a mother with three boys. Seven years ago I knew nothing about little boys but let me tell you that my world is now full of trucks, dirt and all things ‘toots’ and ‘poop’.
3. I like my movie theater popcorn with a side of Junior Mints, not eaten separately but at the same time. Perfect combination of sweet and salty, crunchy and creamy.
4. I’m a bit of a free spirit and settling down in one place for too long kind of freaks me out. There are just so many beautiful places to live!
5. I would happily trade in my car for a 1967 VW Bus and wander my way around the country living the van life.
6. I LOVE all things food. In fact, eating might be my favorite hobby. Whole foods, mostly plants, not too much and toss in a side of chocolate.
7. When I first moved to California I used to greet everyone I ran past with a smile and a hello. Apparently that is not how it’s done here because I got some serious looks. I can’t help it, Midwest nice over here.
8. I sing…a lot! Thankfully my kids think I’m the best singer ever. My husband, not so much.
9. If you’ve made it this far, I applaud you. Did I mention I have a lot to say? #chattykathy